
Tuesday, January 21, 2014

Snow day!!!!!!

Now that I'm a teacher, I'm CONVINCED that teachers get more excited about snow days than students.  My sister is currently a senior and while she's excited about sleeping in and not doing/completing her homework, I get excited about going to back to bed (we're pretty similar in that sense), having Coco Wheats for breakfast (she probably had those too), drinking coffee from a REAL mug (nothing better...) and getting caught up on cleaning, laundry, and making new stuff for my kiddos-all while Teen Mom 2 reruns play in the background...

I love being creative so whenever Mother Nature blesses me with a snow day (or two?!) I find myself channeling my inner creative self to create or craft or design or...

take pictures :)

For those of you who don't know me, I LOVE photos.  I've been taking photos on the side for close friends and family members for a few years now.  My dad totally surprised me my senior year of high school by trading some electrical work for a Cannon 20D.  That thing quickly became my best friend.  I captured some great memories with that wonderful camera but was so thankful when Joel upgraded my slooowwww, old camera to a Nikon D3100. That was also a HUGE surprise from the hubster.  What a lucky gal I am.  Here are some snow photos of today's snow day! (Okay technically, the first one is from a few weeks ago... but it still fits in with the whole "snow" theme!)


In another news, it is absolutely BEAUTIFUL outside now.  The snow is currently blustering around in ever which way.  I love how the snow forces (most) of us to slow down, take a deep breath, and relax.  Life gets crazy and fast paced, but a good snow storm can remind us to take time for us and our life's needs... like completing report cards, cleaning the bathroom, organizing the kitchen, and of course some snow day baking.  Enjoy the weather my friends!


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