
Friday, August 16, 2013

Last year in review...

It's still so hard to believe that last year was my first year teaching.  In a way it seems like just yesterday I was preparing for my first year while in a completely different way it seems like ages ago!  I was so blessed to have been hired a month after graduating from Bridgewater College.  I was so determined to be hired and make my dream of teaching came true!  I remember going school to school the Monday after graduation to introduce myself to every principal, while hand delivering my resume and personal portfolios.  Hey, I scored a lot of walk in interviews that way!  One Sunday after church, my pastor and I prayed for a job opportunity to come my way.  We prayed for the school, the kids, the administration, and for God's will to show up.  Well, when I went back to my pew to get my things, I had missed a phone call from my current principal! He called me on a SUNDAY during prime church time to schedule an interview.  Well, I rocked that interview, awkwardly, confidently bragged about myself, my teaching, my passion for connecting with kids and nailed it.  Now it's my second year at that school and I couldn't be more fortunate to work with such caring, passionate, and entertaining people.  Here's to another year with great people and awesome kids!

Speaking of kids, I LOVED my kids last year!  They were an entraining bunch with a LOT of things going on, but gosh did I love them!  Seeing them last night for Meet the Teacher Night, much more taller than last year, really took me back to my first few days with them.  I felt like a proud momma when they came in with giant smiles and big hugs as we remembered last year.

Okay anyway, back to my main idea of this post... 
My first classroom pictures.  From last year.  I have an interesting classroom.  I don't have real walls; I have two green folding partition walls.  One is magnetic and the other is cork board type.  While it's totally awesome because I can always throw things up on the wall, it's also a curse because I can hear every. single. word. being said next door.  But it's all good! It's a classroom, and it's my classroom. And I love(d) it! 

And what's even better is that my classroom this year looks NOTHING like this and I love it even MORE!

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